Friday, November 21, 2008

Appreciation and miracles

This morning, walking on the road, I heard a small flock of geese intermittently making a ruckus of noise on the nearby pond.   Deciding to veer off the road, walking quietly toward the water, I hoped to spy them behind the stand of pine trees. But they must have heard my footsteps, as the geese sounds suddenly grew louder, and then I saw them - about 7 or 8 geese - lifting off, honking, flying in an unbalanced V formation, flapping off to some near destination lake or pond, I suppose. They arrive each evening and leave early in the morning. This was a small group that was late in leaving; I imagined them as the laggers, the ones wanting to savor a slow morning and not be in such a rush.

At any rate, a reminder to me of how important nature is to nourishing my spirit--my happiness and feeling of inner peace.  I am not alone, of course, as enjoying time in nature is wisely viewed as good medicine.  I do recommend it be done regularly! Whether a glimpse of a sunset, noticing the golden and auburn glow of November leaves on the trees, or watching a squirrel scramble up and down a tree, appreciation of nature can't help but bring us into a state of appreciation. And appreciation feels good, really good. As Albert Einstein said, "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as everything is a miracle." 

And appreciation works miracles in relationships too.  Especially in your closest relationships - you know, the one where we can slip into treating each other, after awhile, like old shoes.  But cultivating the habit of appreciation brings good feelings AND rich rewards.  I made a vow to express to my sweetie twice each day my appreciation of something about him or something he did.  Funny, once I got into doing this, I started to notice all sorts of wonderful things! I didn't want to limit myself to two, because there was so much more there to appreciate.  And, I noticed the appreciations coming back to me, too  - a nice, unexpected gift.  So, here's to cultivating the habit of appreciation -- each day.


Lisa said...

Very beautiful and well-written, too. Thanks!

Eva said...

I enjoyed your write-up and totally agree.

Joan said...

Lovely sentiments! At this time of year we are reminded to be grateful, but truly throughout the entire year we have so much for which to give thanks.
Especially in these days of being in front of the computer, it's even more important to venture outside, away from the confines of the screen and the indoors, and relish the sensory delights of nature. Refreshing!